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Ripple Effect 180 Group

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When you've received a call on your smartphone, you can immediately reply to the caller. All you need to do is to send a short reply on your Windows device. Use your Windows device keyboard to type in and send your message, and have your voice reply automatically. You can also view your incoming messages on your Windows device, and text messages on your phone.

Translation features. When you use Skypes translation features, Skype collects and uses your conversation to provide the translation service. With your permission, your data may be used to help improve Microsoft products and services. To help the translation and speech recognition technology learn and grow, sentences and automatic transcripts are analyzed and any corrections are entered into our system, to build better performing services. This data may include manual transcription of your voice clips. To learn more about how Microsoft manages your voice data, see Speech recognition technologies

Phone and SMS linking. Link your desktop and phone devices to stay connected. Stay in touch with your Windows device from your Android device, and vice versa. View your phone and text messages on your computer, and get notifications from your phone on your PC.

You can learn how to make your Amazon Cloud Speech-to-Text (STT) API requests if you use the tool. This is a tool called the Speech Viewer which interacts with the Amazon Cloud Speech-to-Text API and visualizes the information from the STT API request.

You can learn how to make your Google Cloud Speech-to-Text (STT) API requests if you use the tool. This is a tool called the Speech Viewer which interacts with the Google Cloud Speech-to-Text API and visualizes the information from the STT API request. 3d9ccd7d82


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