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Magic Of Radionics Pdf [2021] Download

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Magic Of Radionics Pdf [2021] Download

The concept behind radionics originated with two books published by American physician Albert Abrams in 1909 and 1910.[4] Over the next decade, Abrams became a millionaire by leasing EMT machines, which he designed himself.[2] This so-called treatment contradicts the principles of physics and biology and therefore is widely considered pseudoscientific.[5] The United States Food and Drug Administration does not recognize any legitimate medical use for radionic devices.[2][5][6]

In one form of radionics popularised by Abrams, some blood on a bit of filter paper is attached to a device Abrams called a "dynamizer", which is attached by wires to a string of other devices and then to the forehead of a healthy volunteer, facing west in a dim light. By tapping on his abdomen and searching for areas of "dullness", disease in the donor of the blood is diagnosed by proxy. Handwriting analysis is also used to diagnose disease under this scheme.[6] Having done this, the practitioner may use a special device known as an oscilloclast or any of a range of other devices to broadcast vibrations at the patient in order to attempt to heal them.[6]

Contemporary proponents of radionics or EMT claim that where there is an imbalance of electromagnetic fields or frequencies, within the body, that it causes diseases or other illnesses by disrupting the body's chemical makeup. These practitioners believe that applications of electromagnetic energy from outside the body can correct these imbalances.[2] Like magnet therapy, electromagnetic therapy has been proposed by practitioners of alternative medicine for a variety of purposes, including, according to the American Cancer Society, "ulcers, headaches, burns, chronic pain, nerve disorders, spinal cord injuries, diabetes, gum infections, asthma, bronchitis, arthritis, cerebral palsy, heart disease, and cancer".[2]

The claims for radionic devices contradict the accepted principles of biology and physics. No scientifically verifiable mechanisms of function for these devices has been posited, and they are often described as "magical" in operation. No plausible biophysical basis for the "putative energy fields" has been proposed, and neither the fields themselves nor their purported therapeutic effects have been convincingly demonstrated.[15]

No radionic device has been found efficacious in the diagnosis or treatment of any disease, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration does not recognize any legitimate medical uses of any such device.[2] According to David Helwig in The Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine, "most physicians dismiss radionics as quackery".[5]

Claims about contemporary EMT devices are similar to those made by the older generation of "radionics" devices, and are also not supported by evidence and are also pseudoscientific.[18][19][7] Even though some of the early works in bioelectromagnetics have been applied in clinical medicine, there is no relationship between alternative devices or methods that use externally applied electrical forces and the use of electromagnetic energy in mainstream medicine.[2]

Introduction There is an energy field that exists within allliving things in the universe from the simplest forms of life tothe most complex, it is the life force known by many names such asthe soul, etheric body, chi, prana, huna, astral body, ka and manyothers. This force permeates the entire universe and it allows themanifestation of psychic and magical energies to be possible forthose who know its secrets. These magical forces can be manipulatedand used by anyone; there is nothing new about them. In fact theseenergies have been around since the beginning of time. Thesemystical energies are the force of creation itself, they surroundus, permeate us and the universe is filled with its wonders. Its anenergy field that penetrates all living and nonliving things in ouruniverse and allows life to exist. It is the stuff of psychicpowers and the foundation of all psychic energy. Psychic powers arereal; they have been used by countless numbers of people throughoutour history. Some have learned to master them and bring aboutmiraculous feats which defy belief. It is the stuff of ancientlegends regarding magic and mystical beings that had power overtheir world using only their minds and will. In this book I willteach you how to utilize these amazing magical forces to performincredible things. I will teach you how to harness this power usingtools and techniques of both modern and ancient times. I will showyou how to build a number of various machines that can be used toamplify, manipulate and focus this psychic energy to produceamazing miracles in your life. You will learn how to control andinfluence the minds of others, and to program your own mind in anyway you like to eliminate bad habits, attract wealth, make yourselfmore powerful and be the best human you can possibly be. I willshow you various methods of healing that appear almost magical andwill shock you. You will learn about a technology called Radionicsthat can be used for healing yourself and others remotely and canbe used to cure hundreds of various ailments. I will show you howto perform incredible feats such as controlling the weather,communicating with spirits using an Ouija board tapping into theincredible energy of the universal collective consciousness whereall knowledge about everything in the entire universe is stored.You will learn how to access this information using various methodssuch as remote viewing, using a pendulum, Psionics and dowsing. Iwill tell3

Our spirit body is much more awesome and powerful than mostpeople will ever realize. You will learn this for yourself afteryou have had an out of body experience which I will instruct you indoing. It is a scientific fact that energy cannot be created ordestroyed. It can only be transformed from one state to another.This is also true with psychic energy and the life force. Your lifeforce can never stop existing. It can only be transformed but neverdestroyed, not even by death as you will learn. Death applies onlyto the physical body but not the spirit or soul. Life after deathis real and communication with spirits is fact as you will learn inthis book. You can communicate with these spirits of the dead forinformation and entertainment but you have to understand that justbecause a person has passed on into the spirit world, it does notmean that they know anymore than they did while still on earth. Aspirits knowledge is limited to his or her earthly knowledge beforethey died. The force however contains all knowledge and wisdom everaccumulated, from the past, present and even future. It knows thecourse of future events before we even experience them. This forceis contained within all living things; different life forms havevarying levels of this force contained within them. This energy isthe same as psychic energy. We humans are the dominant species ofour planet and have great spiritual and psychic potential. Researchindicates that other earth fairing species may also have psychicand spiritual qualities about them. Dogs and cats have frequentlybeen known to possess psychic force type powers. Dr. Joseph banksRhine led research into animal psychic energy at North Carolina'sDuke University in the 1950's. His team investigated more than 500cases of psychic animals. The conclusion was that animals hadstrong psychic abilities such as sensing danger, predicting naturaldisasters, predicting the return of a loved one, and finding theirway home known as psychic trailing or psi trailing. An incredibleexample of psi trailing involves a soldier known as Private Brownwho left Britain to fight France in 1914; soon afterwards his dogprince disappeared. The dog had apparently made its way to theLondon docks, crossed the English Channel and found its master inthe trenches at Armentie'res.5

Another psi trailing case involves a cat named horn blower.Donald Moore was driving his family to their new home in Louisianafrom Nebraska. Horn blower was accidentally lost during the trip.Three weeks later, Horn blower appeared at the Moore's new housewhich he had never seen before. It was over 700 kilometers fromwhere he was lost! If youre thinking that they found their way byhaving a keen sense of smell then think again. The most bizarrecase of all was that of a South African family who moved to a newhome in 1959 over 1100 kilometers away. They had left their pettortoise behind. 3 years later the tortoise appeared at thedoorstep of the new house still wearing its identity tags! Somepets are able to sense the death of a distant owner or loved one.White house staff reported that Abraham Lincoln's dog began to howland frantically run around just before the president wasassassinated. Another example of psychic premonition in pets is thecase of Lord Carnarvon. Four months after the discovery ofTutankhamens tomb in Egypt in 1923, the leader of the expedition,Lord Carnarvon died in Cairo. At about the same time over 5000kilometers away in England, his dog yelped once and died. Thisphenomenon has been studied by a number of scientists. Germanpsychiatrist Dr. Utes Pleimes of the University of Geissen hasdocumented more than 800 danger warnings from animals and says, 'weare fools to ignore them'. Animals of the Skopje Zoo in Macedoniabegan aggressively throwing themselves against their cages severalhours before an earthquake struck in 1963. George Wood's pet beaglefrom Rhode Island named Chris could tap messages with his paw tocommunicate psychic events. Chris the dog learned a paw tappingsystem to identify the five various symbols of cards used fortelepathy experiments. One tap indicates a circle, two for a crossand so on. The dog even tapped out the correct response when theresearchers handled the cards in a separate room. The odds of thisoccurring by chance were about a thousand million to one! UniversalCollective Consciousness6 153554b96e


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